Angling for Relief Fishing Tournament

Be part of something special our 1st Annual Tournament 

Tournament Details

The 1st Annual Angling for Relief Fishing Tournament is an Inshore Fishing Tournament held in the Tampa Bay Area waters with Awards Ceremony at Tiki Docks, St Petersburg, FL 

Proceeds from this Tournament benefit Angling for Relief which brings fishing as a therapeutic diversion to kids fighting cancer.

$7,000.00 Total Prize Money

 Plaques, Prize money for Snook, Redfish and Trout are as follows:

1st place for Snook, Redfish & Trout – $1,000.00 each species

2nd place for Snook, Redfish & Trout – $700.00 each species

3rd place for Snook, Redfish & Trout – $400.00 each species

Calcutta Fish – $700.00 (Draw at Captain Meeting)

 A team can place once in each species, which means:  One team can win up to $3,700.

                                                                                            Registration Link Coming Soon